
As Faculty, we know how hard you have worked to reach this milestone, we’ve watched you work toward this goal each step of the way, and we want to celebrate with you! So we’ve created a COCFA Graduate Challenge on Instagram, take a pic of yourself, and post with the hashtag #COCFAGradChallenge. We’ve even made these slide graphics for you to place in your Instagram Carousel and/or Stories.


For Students Option 1

Tap/Click the image and download the file to share via Instagram on graduation day, June 5th, 2020. Use the hashtag #COCFAGradChallenge

For Students option 2

Tap/Click the image and download the file to share via Instagram on graduation day, June 5th, 2020. Use the hashtag #COCFAGradChallenge

For Faculty

Tap/Click the image and download the file to share via Instagram on graduation day, June 5th, 2020. Use the hashtag #COCFAGradChallenge

For Students
Instagram Stories

Tap/Click the image and download the file to share via Instagram on graduation day, June 5th, 2020. Use the hashtag #COCFAGradChallenge