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 Wendy Brill-Wynkoop
Wins the State and local WHO Award


Congratulations to #COCFAculty member Wendy Brill-Wynkoop! This year CCA (California Community College Association) acknowledged Wendy Brill-Wynkoop’s steadfast commitment to legislative and political advocacy by awarding her the 2021 CCA State WHO (We Honor Ours) Award. Wendy has testified in front of the California Assembly multiple times, most recently in support of part-time faculty rights.

For over 25 years, Wendy Brill-Wynkoop has led her students and colleagues in improving student success and bettering education.  Wendy has an extensive background in higher education, leadership experience locally and statewide, and a desire to ensure the California Community colleges remain the most vital system of education because they have the most significant potential to transform lives. Over the years at College of the Canyons, she has served in a variety of roles at the local Academic Senate and has served in nearly every leadership position in the College of the Canyons Faculty Association (COCFA), including President.  

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One in five adult Americans carry student loan debt. This week, when Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts proposed canceling this debt for more than 40 million Americans. Here's a look at the landscape.

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How Effective Are Lockdown Drills?

There’s no rulebook on how to handle a school shooting. And no real way to prepare for one. This week, people take what they’ve learned from these tragedies and try to use that knowledge to save others.


This Is How You Kill a Profession

We discarded college faculty in the same way that we discarded medical general practitioners: through providing insane rewards to specialists and leaving most care in the hands of paraprofessionals.

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Walking the Picket Line Straight to the Ballot Box

Tens of thousands teachers walked the picket line earlier this year in L.A., the country's second-largest school district, during a six-day strike over pay, class size, testing and charter schools. The strike marked the first in the city in 30 years.

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Hidden Brain: Bullshit Jobs, How Meaningless Work Wears Us Down

The number of administrators has gone up quite sharply, much more so than teachers, but even more important than that, the number of administrative staff has just skyrocketed. It's like 240 percent increase over the last 30 years.

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826LA’s "Tell Me a Story" Benefit Supports Young Writers

If you’re feeling powerless over […]our education secretary’s inane opinions and policy ideas; fed up with the lack of funding allotted to the most underserved schools across America; […] you can do something about it. 
