Wendy Brill-Wynkoop
Wins the State and local WHO Award
Congratulations to #COCFAculty member Wendy Brill-Wynkoop! This year CCA (California Community College Association) acknowledged Wendy Brill-Wynkoop’s steadfast commitment to legislative and political advocacy by awarding her the 2021 CCA State WHO (We Honor Ours) Award. Wendy has testified in front of the California Assembly multiple times, most recently in support of part-time faculty rights.
For over 25 years, Wendy Brill-Wynkoop has led her students and colleagues in improving student success and bettering education. Wendy has an extensive background in higher education, leadership experience locally and statewide, and a desire to ensure the California Community colleges remain the most vital system of education because they have the most significant potential to transform lives. Over the years at College of the Canyons, she has served in a variety of roles at the local Academic Senate and has served in nearly every leadership position in the College of the Canyons Faculty Association (COCFA), including President.
At the state level, Wendy’s passion is legislative and political issues. She has served on the ASCCC Legislative Committee and the Legislative Committee for Community College Association as well as chair the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) Legislative and Advocacy Committee. She is currently the FACCC President-Elect. Wendy has testified numerous times to committees and subcommittees of both houses of the Assembly. She is proud of her advocacy and testimony regarding online education and in support of part-time faculty rights. She testified in support of AB 897 (Medina) which sought to increase part-time faculty employment rights from 67% to 85%. With FACCC, she met with several members of Congress regarding the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, the Perkins Reauthorization Act, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). With National Education Association Emerging Leaders, she worked in tandem with local union leaders from a Florida community college and one state university on membership recruitment and retention. Through her experience, she learned more about the complex operation that community colleges are and the intricate coordination of its resources; people, facilities, and finances.
Wendy’s focus is always on the student and their needs. She continually looks for ways to improve education and remove barriers to student success. A prime example of her dedication and leadership is that after she learned that most community college districts fail to spend millions of lottery funds each year, she advocated to Assemblyman Berman to change the law to require districts to spend the lottery funds in full for the benefit of students. Assemblyman Berman agreed with Wendy and introduced AB 2884. The bill allowed Districts to use lottery funds for housing and food assistance for students. The bill noted that “[i]n light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, it is critical that community colleges have greater flexibility to spend surplus lottery funds now. California community college students were already struggling with hunger, housing insecurity, and homelessness before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, campus closures have created new expenses at the same time that students or their families may have lost their jobs, and community colleges must respond swiftly to this crisis for their vulnerable students. It is, therefore, necessary that this act take effect immediately.” The bill was passed by the Assembly, signed by the Governor, and took effect immediately on September 20, 2020.
Wendy has comprehensive college, statewide and national leadership experience. The impact of her advocacy will be felt long-range. It is with great honor and anticipation that COCFA nominates Wendy Brill-Wynkoop for the State CCA WHO Award for 2021.