“Go be great!”
These are Dora Lozano's most important words of advice to her students as she sends them off into the world of higher education. For her, the most exciting part of it all is watching her students flourish and later share with her their journeys and how she played a role in their success. Such is the life of a counselor and instructor here at COC's counseling department. Having taught Counseling 150, 110, and a few other non-credit courses, Lozano's primary goal has been to guide students on their paths towards success.
Over the years, she's had more than enough opportunities to reflect on her position as a leader and mentor to so many. “I want my students to know that there are no limits except the ones that they put on themselves,” she shares earnestly. “When students transfer to a university and come back to see me, it’s the highest form of honor.” Counseling skills came naturally to Lozano, and despite a few snags along the way, she went on to get her Master's in Educational Counseling and jump right into the teaching field. She's been an instructor for over a decade, and she's made many meaningful connections with her students along the way. "My community college counselor was my inspiration for becoming a counselor," she says. "He was so kind and encouraging; he would listen, encourage, and advise, and I wanted to do the same thing for my students."
A community college education was a valuable part of her kids' lives, too. Her oldest attended COC and is now a student at San Francisco State University, and her youngest is a sophomore at Hart. Having a counselor and educator in your family is one of the best ways to ensure success in the world of higher education! At home, Lozano splits her time between her kids, road trips, roller skating, and hiking. Her list of favorite movies is long enough to keep her occupied for endless weekends, and an interesting side note to mention is her love for Christmas movies at any time of year. Though she spends much of her day around the "younger generation," she shares a bit of fascination with what exactly it takes to become a social media wizard, sharing she wishes she could instantly become a Youtube influencer as is the trend these days.
On her bucket list is the goal of getting a tattoo one day, as well as traveling to Fiji at least once. In terms of her more quirky hobbies, Lozano is an avid fan of roller skating and indoor rock climbing, which characterizes her as not only an athlete but a unique one at that. Over the years she’s spent here at COC, Lozano has made a real impact on her students -- that much is a given. But what's equally as important as the impact that they've had on her, too.